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Visual Facility Map and Accounts Screenshots
Visual Facility Map Screen

The visual map depicts an aerial view of the facility. Each unit is color coded to show status.

Accounts Screen

The accounts screen shows all the tenants and their rented units. The tenant list can be sorted by account number or unit number.

Accounts - Transactions Tab

The transactions tab is a detailed ledger for a selected tenant.

Accounts - Unit Information Tab

The unit information tab shows the units rented by the selected tenant.

Accounts - Account Information Tab

The account information tab shows account related information for the selected tenant (i.e., Account Number, Monthly Due Date, Monthly Amount Due, etc.).

Accounts - Tenant Information Tab

The tenant information tab shows the selected tenant's contact information.

Accounts - Additional Contact Information Tab

The additional contact information tab shows extra contact information collected for the selected tenant.

Accounts - Tenant Settings Tab

The tenant settings tab shows the configured options for the selected tenant.

Accounts - Access Control Tab

The access control tab shows the configured gate system setting for the selected tenant.

NOTE: This tab is shown only when an access control system has been confgiured.

Accounts - Receipts Tab

The receipts tab shows all the letters and notices generated for the selected tenant. This provides a historical record for tenant documents.

Accounts - Discounts Tab

The discounts tab shows currently active and previous discounts for the selected tenant.